Mark Fackler
By Mandy Sherlock

As Board Chair, Mark spent much of his time doing the “dirty” work: reviewing minutes, evaluating financials, setting agendas, and facilitating meetings – and this is what rang his bell. Although it was far from working one-on-one with SDSVP’s Investees, being Chair was rewarding to Mark because it allowed for the other Partners to be more effective in helping the San Diego community.
“Being Chair is like running an Ironman Triathlon,” Mark says, “It’s quiet, lonely work. Often times you’re isolated and there’s never any glory. But in the end the hard work pays off.” It’s true. Mark never ceased in his quiet, relentless pursuit of the organization’s goals.
Mark was an SDSVP leader during a time of evolution and progression. In 2009, SDSVP became independent from The San Diego Foundation securing its own 501c3 nonprofit status. Mark was instrumental in the grueling process of putting together the application package, “I thought to myself, ‘A lot of kids or homeless or elderly will be better cared for because I’m typing a 250 page document.’ It was difficult work but rewarding to be part of the change.” This background work which many do not enjoy was gratifying to Mark. Seven weeks later, when the 501c3 determination letter arrived from the IRS, there was joy at the end of the long road.
Advice for the next Chairman? “Use your talent to enable the organization to be better than it was. Act as a shepherd to allow all the individuals to use their gifts.” Mark was successful doing just that: using his talent to leverage the great talent within SDSVP.
Ray Ellis
By Scott Tritt

As incoming Chair of our Board of Directors, Ray's wisdom will be put to a new test, as he guides the Partnership's future.
Ray's the first to admit that nearly every decision made at SDSVP is reached through consensus, whether of the Board, the Partners or both. But he also realizes the importance of leadership and of setting goals to mark worthwhile achievements.
He says SDSVP is on solid footing, and points to our highly motivated staff, especially the recent addition of Jacqueline Silverman as Membership Director, as evidence that we're moving in a good direction.
As for his priorities while at the helm, he wants to meet with new and existing Partners, especially transplants from outside San Diego, to make sure they're reaching their personal goals within SDSVP, and to be sure the organization continues to have a positive impact on our Partners and our community.
He vows to ensure that our Board provides strategic direction, and continues to refine the recruiting process to expand and deepen the partnership. He anticipates useful results from SDSVP's internal outcome planning process, currently about two-thirds complete.
Ray considers himself goal-oriented and wants to develop retention and recruiting strategies to make sure Partners share positive experiences, and are motivated to assume leadership positions.
Naturally, Ray will rely on his fund development expertise to develop revenue streams for SDSVP to ensure the organization's growth and permanence as a leader in “bringing great people together to dramatically impact San Diego philanthropy”.
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