November 10, 2011

Meet Partner Ken Davenport!

Recently, SVP sat down with first year Partner, Ken Davenport to get to know him better. Last year, Ken left the day-to-day operations of the company he co-founded in Colorado and moved back to San Diego with his wife Juliet and son Gabe. While most people with a lot of free time on their hands would resort to relaxing at home or picking up a new hobby, Ken joined SVP to give back and connect with the San Diego community. Since becoming a Partner, Ken has jumped right in and taken the helm of the IT Resource Team and is Lead Partner of Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA.

Why did you join SVP?

I lived in Colorado from 2006 to 2010, and after returning to San Diego I was looking for a way to connect back into the community. I had also recently left the company I co-founded, and had both the desire and time to give back. SVP gave me a way to use my business experience to help nonprofits be more effective, and SVP's model of leveraging charitable giving with management and operational expertise really appeals to me. So my wife, Juliet and I signed up, and we are really enjoying the experience.

How are you involved with SVP?

I figured the best way to learn about the SVP was to jump in with both feet, so when I joined I started going to as many meetings as I could. The choice of last year's investment sector, military support, was a great fit for me because I am very passionate about helping the military community. Now I am the Lead Partner for our investment with the Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA. I also am Chair of the SVP IT Resource Team, where I'm helping the San Diego Armed Services YMCA revamp their IT infrastructure. Additionally, I recently started representing SVP on the Military Working Group collaborative that is designed to facilitate coordination between funders and service providers assisting the military in San Diego. And, I've also done some Board facilitation work with Elderhelp and Barrio Logan College Institute.

What are you getting out of your SVP experience?

It's been tremendously rewarding to work with the dedicated staff at both the Pendleton and San Diego Armed Services YMCAs. These are people who are giving so much to those who serve America, and I feel honored to have the opportunity to help them. And I've really enjoyed the chance to get to know the other SVP Partners -- it's given both Juliet and I a set of great new friends!

Quick 5 about Ken:

1. If you’re in the car, in the morning, what do you listen to

Thankfully these days I'm not often in the car in the morning unless it is to take my five year old to school, but I usually listen to sports talk radio.

2. If you were to take a “staycation” in San Diego, where would you go and why?

Definitely Coronado. I love the sleepy feel, the big wide beaches, the history of the Hotel Del and the cute little stores along Orange Avenue. And I like all the American flags, the retired navy veterans the feel-good patriotism of the place.

3. What’s your poison/vice?

Is coffee a vice? If so, I'm definitely addicted. I'm personally responsible for at least 1% of Starbucks worldwide revenue. And that's in addition to the espresso maker I have at home!

4. What’s one thing you could not live without and why?

Now that I am a dad, it's hard to imagine life without my son, Gabe. I obviously had a life before him, but it just seems so inconsequential now. Being a parent is the best thing I've ever done (besides marrying my wife), and now when people say that they would give up their life for their kids, I totally understand what they mean.

5. What’s one thing you could do without and why?

Rude people. It's so much easier (and rewarding) to be polite. I feel sorry for people who don't understand the gift of being respectful and kind to others!

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