April 16, 2011

SDSVP and Gumpert Foundation bring For Impact fundraising workshop to San Diego

On March 17, Investees of San Diego Social Venture Partners and the William Gumpert Foundation participated in the For Impactworkshop led by Nick Fellers.  The session gave participants practical and field-tested ideas with "how to" instruction to make a quantum leap in funding. Ultimately, Nick drove home the concept that impact drives income. Our Investees are seeing results already:

"Thanks very much for the seminar. Within 24 hours, it helped! I met with two friends of the organization and applied the For Impact advice. They walked away loving our program and excited to get involved. They made a contribution a day later that was not 2x or 4x, but 10x what it has been in the past and we are meeting again next month to discuss how else they can help our efforts in the community.” -Megan Baehrens, Development Coordinator, San Diego Coastkeeper

Click here for more info on For Impact.

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