December 31, 2008

CSH Marketing Initiatives Underway with SDSVP Resources

By Simonne Ruff, Associate Director, Corporation for Supportive Housing – San Diego

Lead Partner: Sherri Neasham

With the help of SDSVP, the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) has focused efforts on understanding why less than 25% of funds available to San Diego to develop supportive housing have been used locally. The rest of these funds, which could have created new projects in San Diego, have been used on developments elsewhere in the state. It is clear that a lack of understanding of supportive housing has been a significant barrier to the development of new projects.

To bolster the capacity of CSH San Diego, a marketing plan was developed with SDSVP resources and expertise. With target markets clearly identified, the action plan is guiding the plan’s implementation. SDSVP has also enabled CSH to partner with the SDSU Entrepreneurial Management Center and engage a master’s level business intern to assist in this work.

Tenant profiles are being collected to form a dossier of success stories which highlight the profound impact of supportive housing on people’s lives; documenting the path that has enabled them to permanently exit life on the streets. In addition, a speaker’s bureau is being formed, enabling community leaders, business owners, faith communities and the like to stand up in support of projects. This speaker’s bureau will be available to all partners involved in supportive housing projects and will provide critical and timely support as we work to ensure people have the chance to permanently leave homelessness.

CSH welcomes SDSVP Partners with marketing, communications, or public relations expertise to expand on the work that is currently underway. CSH is continuing to build its marketing expertise in order to meet the three year vision of enabling 250 homeless individuals with disabling health conditions to exit the streets and remain housed for one year in sustainable permanent supportive housing.

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