September 1, 2008

The Environmental Accelerator Fund and Equinox Center

In 2007 SDSVP launched an innovative initiative to further increase our impact. We wanted to apply our strengths in capacity-building and collaboration to help a sector of the community in a more sustainable and leveraged way, and to increase the funds available for leading-edge philanthropy.

We established the Environment Accelerator Fund to collaborate with outside funding sources, to increase giving with matching grants, and to ensure the most strategic use of this larger pool of funds. With a focus on the environment, Partners completed a 900-person-hour research and analysis project—the largest in SDSVP history. They identified the need to work on San Diego’s future development to ensure that economic and population growth happens in a way that is better for the environment. Their research showed that balancing the economics and ecology of the region is a central, highly leveraged issue—affecting urban development, habitat preservation, transportation, quality of life, economic sustainability, climate change, and many other issues.

To bring the best available solutions to San Diego, the Environment Accelerator team decided to replicate the successful approach of a Seattle nonprofit, Sightline Institute. With their input we established a new organization dedicated to economically sound environmental sustainability in our region, Equinox Center.

Equinox Center is designed as a non-partisan, independent, nonprofit organization working at the intersection of scientific understanding, community values, government policy, and economic strength. It will provide San Diego's community leaders with usable information, practical vision, and innovative thinking—fostering factual dialogue to help shape our region’s future.

Numerous groups throughout the San Diego region have come forward and voiced support for Equinox Center, building the foundations of a strong network with the environmental community, business, academia, and government. Equinox Center is also receiving tremendous support from pro bono services offered by Mintz Levin attorneys-at-law, Bente Hansen executive recruiters, and marketing firms Oster & Associates and Incitrio. SDSVP partners continue to support the project with their own time and talents. As of June 2008 the project had raised $800,000 and formed an initial Board of Directors, and was recruiting a full-time Executive Director and additional board members.

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