September 1, 2006

Second Chance

Lead Partner: Diane Rosenberg

Ben & Jerry’s Second Chance PartnerShop has completed its second year of providing paid work experience and customer service skills for STRIVE graduates and at-risk youth in San Diego.
SDSVP helped Second Chance improve the efficiency of this social enterprise, create new marketing strategies and identify other options for expanding revenue. SDSVP’s work with Second Chance enabled the PartnerShop to nearly break-even, develop a profitable catering business and achieve the second highest sales per transaction of all PartnerShops in the country.

The PartnerShop gives Second Chance clients the opportunity to build personal confidence, create résumé credibility and reinforce the critical standards of behavior needed for becoming self-sufficient, contributing members of the community. Laura Bermudez, a STRIVE graduate, has overcome the “Rocky Road” of incarceration and “scooped” up success, learning valuable employment skills at the Ben & Jerry’s PartnerShop, then transitioning to a full-time job at Urban Corps. SDSVP is proud of its collaboration with Second Chance to take a “scoop” out of chronic unemployment, reincarceration and homelessness.

“The SDSVP Partners expertise in finance, marketing and operations helped us build a stronger social enterprise, which creates more job opportunities for STRIVE graduates. Their time, talent and treasury have been invaluable.”

Scott Silverman,
Executive Director

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