September 1, 2005

Excellence and Justice in Education (EJE)

Excellence and Justice in Education (EJE) assists Hispanic, low-income parents to become strong advocates for their children to increase academic achievement and prepare them for college.

EJE’s success with parents and their children is evident in the results of students’ test scores, reported in San Diego State University’s independent study of EJE’s student achievement. The study shows these children scored higher in all subjects than the general Hispanic population and about equal to the student population at large. Executive Director Eva Pacheco has been honored for her achievement in the Lemon Grove school district and East County.

SDSVP Lead Partner, Jerry Hoffmeister advises the EJE Board and is a trustee of EJE Elementary Academy, their charter school.


“When I look back upon this past year and the countless blessings I’ve been fortunate enough
to receive, I count on you as one of those blessings. Your trust in us never wavered, and your
mentorship added significantly to the growth of EJE. My appreciation for your help and support is never taken lightly. Your partnership and support made me realize that, by working together, we can do things we never dreamed possible.”

Eva Pacheco, Executive Director EJE

“EJE taught me organizational skills, public speaking and how to run a successful
business meeting.”

Former EJE Middle School Student (Now in College)

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