October 27, 2009

Advocacy Working Group Update - October 2009

  • In order to begin investigating options for advocacy within SDSVP, we are forming the SDSVP Advocacy Working Group
  • The Advocacy Working Group will initially function by bringing in nonprofit Executive Director’s to hear about their issues/needs, then determine how SDSVP can best support their efforts, whether by supporting connections to funding or legislative officials and/or direct advocacy efforts
  • The general focus area of the Advocacy Working Group is Effective Philanthropy, which includes a) connecting our Investees and their sector with funding sources, and b) non-monetary support on issues, either as individual partners or officially as SDSVP
  • Ideally, the Advocacy Working Group would work on a second 3-year phase of our Investees that have successfully built their capacity and can handle a more significant role, including efforts to promote sector-wide changes and/or larger sources of funds
  • First test case with Laurin Pause, Executive Director of the Community Resource Center, regarding homeless issues in San Diego. Initial expectation is that SDSVP has the opportunity to actually move the needle on this issue – rumor has it that as few as 100 contacts from respected people may be enough to affect the legislation.

For more information contact the Advocacy Working Group Chair, David Lynn davidl@ayamba.com